Konnagar has a rich old history dating back to 15th century. Mention of Konnagar was found in ancient as well as modern literature. It has many institutions of pride & heritage e.g Konnagar High School (established in 1854), Konnagar Hindu Girls’ High School (established in 1860), Konnagar Public Library & Free Reading Room (established in 1858), BrambhoSamaj (established in 1879) & some others like this, founded by a great man, Sri Shibchandra Dev, a product of the Young Bengal. With his tireless effort Konnagar post office was established and also Konnagar Railway Station. Konnagar is proud of the fact that it is the ancestral abode of Rishi Aurobindo. At the time of independence, Konnagar was a thinly populated urban town /village. After independence due to the surge of displaced person from East Pakistan its population increased geometrically. The present population is 75,813 as on 2006. It is to note that the total households are 14818.
* Raksha Kalimata Temple
* Sri Sri Rajrajeshwari Mata Temple at S.C Chaterjee Street
* Konnagar Raj Rajeshwari Math (Math of Sankaracharya)
* Brahma Swamaz Ghatt
* Baromandir Ghat
* Mosque
* Gour Dham (House of Sib Chandra Deb)
* Bagan Bari of Maharshi Abanindranath Thakur
* Ancestor home of Rishi Arabinda Ghosh
* Kali Temple of Manasha Tala
* Hari Shabha
Apart from the usual festivals in rural Bengal two festivals of specialty takes place in Konnagar, which are:
Sakuntala Rakhsha Kalimata Puja & fair and
Sri Sri Raj Rajeshwari mata Puja & Fair. This festivals have a history of more than 300 years.